Doc bod biological oxygen demand dan cod chemycal oxygen. Biological oxygen demand is an important water quality parameter because it greatly influences. Biological oxygen demand definition is biochemical oxygen demand. Stormwater pollutant factsheet biological oxygen demand. Biological oxygen demand definition of biological oxygen.
Bod is a measure of the molecular oxygen utilized during a specific incubation period five or twenty five days to. Hasil studi tentang karakteristik limbah cair tahu yang telah dilakukan oleh marpaung 2005, melaporkan bahwa limbah cair tahu tersebut ratarata. The feed water carbonaceous bod used in denitrification and enhanced biological phosphorus removal reduces overall oxygen demand and hence energy requirement. The quantity of oxidant consumed is expressed in terms of its oxygen equivalence. Kebutuhan oksigen biokimia kob atau kebutuhan oksigen hayati koh biochemical oxygen demand, disingkat bod adalah analisis empiris untuk mengukur prosesproses biologis khususnya aktivitas mikroorganisme yang berlangsung di dalam air. Biochemical oxygen demand bod dan chemical oxygen demand.
If there is a large quantity of organic waste in the water supply, there will also be a lot of bacteria present working to decompose this waste. Angka cod merupakan ukuran bagi pencemaran air oleh zat zat organis yang secara alamiah dapat dioksidasikan melalui proses mokrobiologis, dan mengakibatkan. Biochemical oxygen demand measures the amount of oxygen consumed in the water by chemical and biological processes. The term also refers to a chemical procedure for determining this amount. Semakin tinggi nilai bod maka akan semakin rendah kualitas air. Anything that is labeled steam distilled has gone through a specific process that further cleanses it from unwanted impurities. Oxygen demand adalah banyaknya oksigen yang diperlukan untuk mengoksidasi senyawa organik secara kimiawi alaerts dan santika, 1984. Pdf keragaan nilai do, bod dan cod di danau bekas tambang. Determination of biological oxygen demand bod in waste. Biochemical oxygen demand bod testing and measurement in water. Adapun bahanbahan yang digunakan pada percobaan kali ini antara lain adalah aquades, air sampel, h 2 so 4 pekat, larutan alkali iodida azida, larutan h 2 so 4 4n, larutan kmno 4 0,05n, larutan h 2 c 2 o 4 0,05 n, larutan mnso 4 40%, larutan na 2 s 2 o 3 0,025 n. Biochemical oxygen demand, dissolved oxygen, selected.
View biological oxygen demand analysis research papers on academia. The bod determination is an empirical test in which standardised laboratory procedures are used to determine the relative oxygen requirements of wastewaters, effluents and polluted. Biological oxygen demand bod, chemical oxygen demand. To understand the need for seeding in the bod test c.
Disamping itu, oksigen juga dibutuhkan untuk oksidasi bahanbahan organik dan anorganik dalam proses aerobik. D biochemical oxygen demand bod is the amount of dissolved oxygen needed by aerobic biological organisms in a body of water to break down organic material present in a given water sample at certain temperature over a specific time period. The most popular sum parameter in waste water analysis are the bod biochemical oxygen demand, cod chemical oxygen demand, tod total oxygen. Biochemical oxygen demand definition is the oxygen used in meeting the metabolic needs of aerobic microorganisms in water rich in organic matter such as water polluted with sewage. Biological oxygen demand bod, chemical oxygen demand cod. The carbohydrates cellulose, starch, sugars, proteins, petroleum hydrocarbons and other materials that comprise organic matter get into water from natural sources and from. Oksigen terlarut dissolved oxygen do dibutuhkan oleh semua jasad hidup untuk pernapasan, proses metabolisme atau pertukaran zat yang kemudian menghasilkan energi untuk pertumbuhan dan pembiakan. Corrosionpedia what is a biochemical oxygen demand bod.
Bod biological oxygen demand dan cod chemycal oxygen. Microorganisms such as bacteria are responsible for decomposing organic waste. The biochemical oxygen demand bod is one of the most widely used criteria for water quality assessment. Bod, chemical oxygen demand cod, total organic carbon. Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your clips. The bod electrode method is suitable for determining the bod of water and wastewater. This method has been widely adopted as a standard, based on historical use and convenience, since it is usually impractical to wait 20 or more days for the outcome of the test. Bod biological oxygen demand bod adalah banyaknya oksigen yang diperlukan untuk menguraikan benda organik oleh bakteri aerobik melalui proses biologis biological oxidation secara dekomposisi aerobik riady, 1984. Berdasarkan latar belakang di atas, maka dilakukan percobaan penetuan u ji dissolved oxygen do, uji chemical oxygen demand cod dan uji biological oxygen demand bod untuk mengetahui kualitas air danau di danau gtc. Pada uji dissolved oxygen do dan uji biological oxygen demand bod perlakuan. Pengertian bod, cod, tss, pada air limbah the indonesian.
Oksigen yang dikonsumsi dalam uji bod ini dapat diketahui dengan menginkubasikan contoh air pada suhu 20c selama lima hari. Aug 15, 2019 biochemical oxygen demand bod is a chemical procedure for determining the amount of dissolved oxygen needed by aerobic biological organisms in a body of water to break down organic material present in a given water sample at certain temperature over a specific time period. Apr 12, 20 chemical oxygen demand cod atau kebutuhan oksigen kimia kok merupakan jumlah oksigen yang dibutuhkan untuk mengoksidasi zat zat organik yang ada dalam sampel air atau banyaknya oksigen yang dibutuhkan untuk mengoksidasi zat zat organik menjadi co 2 dan h 2 o. Apr 12, 20 chemical oxygen demand adalah kapasitas air untuk menggunakan oksigen selama peruraian senyawa organik terlarut dan mengoksidasi senyawa anorganik seperti amonia dan nitrit. Analisis kadar do, bod, dan cod air sungai kuantan terdampak. It provides information about the ready biodegradable fraction of the organic load in water. Bod is the amount of oxygen consumed by decomposition of the sample during the incubation period. It can, however, pose an indirect threat to living organisms by reducing the level of dissolved oxygen. When organic matter such as dead plants, leaves, grass clippings, manure, sewage, or even food waste is present in a water supply, the bacteria will begin the.
Two such challenges are the need to avoid viscosity swings and precipitate out as much calcium as possible to minimize scoring on the rollers in the case of. Because of its unique chemical properties, the dichromate ion cr2o7. The two main functions of secondary clarifiers are clarification and thickening. Chemical oxygen demand cod adalah kapasitas air untuk menggunakan oksigen selama peruraian senyawa organik terlarut dan mengoksidasi senyawa anorganik seperti amonia dan nitrit. Biological oxygen demand this is a measure of the amount of molecular oxygen in milligrams required to convert organic molecules contained in 1. Nilai kob merupakan suatu pendekatan umum yang menunjukkan jumlah oksigen yang dibutuhkan oleh mikroorganisme untuk menguraikan zat organik. Because oxygen demand is not a pollutant, it poses no direct threat to fish or other life. Pdf methods for assessing biochemical oxygen demand bod. Ditegaskan lagi oleh boyd 1990, bahwa bahan organik yang terdekomposisi dalam bod adalah bahan organik yang siap. Biochemical oxygen demand, or bod, is a chemical procedure for determining the amount of dissolved oxygen needed by aerobic biological organisms in a body of water to break down organic material present in a given water sample at certain temperature over a specific time period. Biochemical oxygen demand bod is the amount of dissolved oxygen needed i. Measurements of oxygen consumed in a 5d test period 5d. How to measure biochemical oxygen demand hydrology project. Consumes time, money, and labor stability of reagents an issue.
Kadar do, bod, dan cod air pendingin primer jurnal ugm. All animal need oxygen for the metabolism in their cells. Many agencies consider it the gold standard in do determination. Biochemical oxygen demand bod, the amount of dissolved oxygen used by microorganisms in the biological process of metabolizing organic matter in water.
Air limbah adalah air yang bercampur zat padat dissolved dan suspended yang berasal dari kegiatan rumah tangga, pertanian, perdagangan dan industri. Biochemical oxygen demand encyclopedia of life support systems. Bod atau biochemical oxygen demand adalah suatu karakteristik yang menunjukkan jumlah oksigen terlarut yang diperlukan oleh mikroorganisme biasanya bakteri untuk mengurai atau mendekomposisi bahan organik dalam kondisi aerobik umaly dan cuvin, 1988. The test is also used to examine influents and effluents from wastewater processing facilities to. Biological oxygen demand bod is a measure of the oxygen used by microorganisms to decompose this waste. Biological oxygen demand bod, chemical oxygen demand cod, and total suspended solid tss sebagai indikator limbah cair. Biochemical oxygen demand bod 2 option for the source water is to purchase it. Bod is defined as biochemical oxygen demand because the decline in oxygen is from a combination of chemical and biological processes. To check the procedure by determining the bod value of a standard glucoseglutamic acid sample 2. Biological oxygen demand 28 ps2829a the bod 5 test is used to measure the potential of wastewater and other waters to deplete the oxygen level of receiving waters. The intent is to measure what affect the sample will have on oxygen available to living organisms in the waters into which the waste is discharged. Biochemical oxygen demand bod and chemical oxygen demand pdf. Chemical oxygen demand cod atau kebutuhan oksigen kimia kok adalah jumlah oksigen mg o 2 yang dibutuhkan untuk mengoksidasi zat zat organis yang ada dalam 1 l sampel air.
Metode pengukuran bod adalah mengukur kandungan oksigen terlarut awal doi dari sampel segera setelah pengambilan contoh, kemudian mengukur. Oleh sebab pengukuran parameter ini sangat penting dan sangat dianjurkan disamping paramter lain seperti bod kebutuhan oksigen biologi atau biological oxygen demand dan cod chemical oxygen demand atau kebutuhan oksigen kimia. Id bod atau biochemical oxygen demand adalah suatu karakteristik yang menunjukkan jumlah oksigen terlarut yang diperlukan oleh mikroorganisme biasanya bakteri untuk mengurai atau mendekomposisi bahan organik dalam kondisi aerobik umaly dan cuvin, 1988. Nov 27, 2014 menurut okun dan ponghis, berbagai parameter kualitas limbah cair yang penting untuk diketahui adalah bahan pada tersuspensi suspended solids, bahan padat terlarut dissolved solids, kebutuhan oksigen biokimia biochemical oxygen demand bod, kebutuhan oksigen kimiawi chemical oxygen demand cod, oksigen terlarut dissolved oxygen do dan parameter lain. Appropriate protective equipment should be worn when undertaking the bod biochemical oxygen demand electrode method. Reducing bod, cod levels among the more perplexing and costly issues that companies that have corrugators face on a daily basis is the optimal management of starch in their wastewater. To determine the biochemical oxygen demand bod of various samples of water b. General discussion the biochemical oxygen demand bod determination is an empirical test in which standardized laboratory procedures are used to determine the relative oxygen requirements of wastewaters, ef. In this case, the demand for oxygen will be high due to all the bacteria so the bod level will be. Bod or bod5, 5210b, oxygen consumed after 60 to 90 d of incubation ultimate bod or ubod. Exp 3 biochemical oxygen demand civil engineers pk. Mar 10, 2016 bod atau biological oxygen demand ialah tingkat permintaan oksigen oleh makhluk hidup dalam air tersebut. Kuantitas oksigen dalam sejumlah air tertentu penting bagi organisme perairan untuk melakukan aktivitas biokimia, yaitu untuk respirasi pernapasan, reproduksi, dan kesuburan. Oksigen terlarut atau dissolved oxygen atau disingkat dengan do atau sering juga disebut dengan kebutuhan oksigen oxygen demand adalah sejumlah oksigen yang terlarut dalam suatu perairan.
Biochemical oxygen demand or bod is a chemical procedure for determining the amount of dissolved oxygen needed by aerobic biological organisms in a body of water to break down organic material present in a given water sample at certain temperature over a specific time period. The potency of plant in the constructed wetland system was also studied both the effects on the land quality and the plant yields. Biological oxygen demand b od biological oxygen demand bod adalah suatu karakteristik yang menunjukkan jumlah oksigen terlarut yang diperlukan oleh mikroorganisme bi asanya bakteri unt uk mengurai atau mendekomposisi bahan organik dalam kondisi aerobik metcalf, 1991. Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. The biochemical oxygen demand results from the respiratory processes of microorganisms and microorganisms are alive.
Oxygen measurement techniques basically, this is a titrimetric wet chemistry test that measures the amount of oxygen present based on conversion of oxygen to iodine. Mihelcic encyclopedia of life support systems eolss summary biochemical oxygen demand bod is a measure of the dissolved oxygen consumed by microorganisms during the oxidation of reduced substances in waters and wastes. Bod biological oxygen demand dan cod chemycal oxygen demand universitas padjadjaran fakultas matematika dan ilmu pengetahuan alam program diploma iii program studi analisis kimia bandung 2014. Oxygen takes apart in oxydation and reduction process of chemical matter to be the simple compound. Typical sources of bod are readily biodegradable organic carbon carbonaceous, cbod and ammonia nitrogenous, nbod. Bod, cod, toc and tod sum parameters in environmental. Nilai do yang biasanya dapat diukur dalam bentuk konsentrasi dan satuan dari do adalah jumlah oksigen o2 yang tersedia dalam suatu perairan. Sumber utama oksigen dalam suatu perairan berasal sari suatu proses difusi. There are three widelyused methods of measuring oxygen demand. Biological oxygen demand is an important water quality parameter because it greatly influences the concentration of do that will be in the water.
The ultimate determination of suitability of the water. Biochemical oxygen demand and chemical oxygen demand. The qvalue curve for bod used in calculating a water quality index2 illustrates the relationship between bod and water qualitythe higher. Biochemical oxygen demand, dissolved oxygen, selected nutrients, and pesticide records of texas surface waters, 1968 introduction data presented in this report were collected as a part of continuing statewide waterqualityinvestigations by the u. Dissolved oxygen concentrations indicate how well aerated the water is, and vary according to a number of factors, including season, time of day, temperature, and salinity. Bod biochemical oxygen demand adalah jumlah kebutuhan oksigen yang diperlukan oleh mikroorganisme untuk mengoksidasi senyawa organik yang ada dalam limbah. Bod atau disebut juga biochemical oxygen demand merupakan suatu sifat atau karakteristik yang menunjukkan jumlah oksigen terlarut yang diperlukan oleh. Atmosphere and photosynthesis by product are the main source of oxygen in waters. Introduction bod, like cod, is not one definable particle.
Kebutuhan oksigen hayati wikipedia bahasa indonesia. Biological or biochemical oxygen demand bod is a measure of the dissolved oxygen that is consumed as organic contaminants decay or break down in waterways. Biochemical oxygen demand bod is the amount of oxygen, expressed in mgl or parts per million ppm, that bacteria take from water when they oxidize organic matter. Provision for energy optimization through nutrient removal mechanisms. Dissolved oxygen do and biological oxygen demand boo are the most important parameter of water quality. Pengertian bod dan cod bod atau biochemical oxygen demand adalah suatu karakteristik yang menunjukkan jumlah oksigen terlarut yang diperlukan oleh mikroorganisme biasanya bakteri untuk mengurai atau mendekomposisi bahan organik dalam kondisi aerobik umaly dan cuvin, 1988. Pada reaksi ini hampir semua zat yaitu sekitar 85% dapat teroksidasi menjadi co 2 dan h 2 o dalam suasana asam, sedangkan.
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