Go on a whale watching adventure on this cruise in kailua kona. The channel between the kona side and the southeastern end of maui is a draw not only for humpbacks but some of the more elusive species. We will begin processing online booking requests after september 1st, 2020 so please wait until then to submit your booking forms. North of kawaihae on highway 270 to mile marker 20. Download the above for information on how to distinguish between cuviers and blainvilles. Hawaii big island whale watching tours hawaii discount. Captain chip fischer on the hanamana is our featured whale watching tour expert here in kailua kona, hawaii. This kona whale watching tour takes you as close to the whales as possible, so youll have plenty of great photo opportunities.
Humpbacks are in hawaiian waters during the winter months to birth their calves and to mate. Hawaiis humpback whales to be counted despite fed shutdown. The humpback whales leave the icy waters of alaska and migrate 6000 miles to hawaii every year to give birth and care for their calves. Pilot whales, beakedwhales and melonheaded whales captain chip fischer on the hanamana is our featured whale watching tour expert here in kailua kona, hawaii. The kona ocean adventures team will astound you with littleknown facts local knowledge about these gentle giants as they play, court and teach their young. Swim with dolphins, whale watching kailua kona hawaii. We will cruise along the coast looking for these amazing creatures that are known to slap the water with their fins and tails as well as breach. Swim with dolphins, whale watching kailuakona hawaii. Board a 48foot 15meter delta boat in honokohau harbor, and set sail on the water to try and spot whales in their natural habitat. Captain zodiac whale watch this big island whale watch tour combines whale watching with rafting. Largest great white shark ever recorded seen feasting on. We strive to offer the most safe, educational and deeply rich experience. Whale and dolphin watching from shore on big island hawaii. Humpback whale watching tours look for humpback whales along the kona coast.
Whale sightings in maui typically occur between november and may. Dan has been studying whales off the kona coast for nearly forty years and personally conducts his educational kona whale watching tours. Hilo whale watching is best from december april humpback whales are become a daily favorite, with sightings on every whale watch tour or you come again free. Dans services and knowledge for their documentary productions on whales, so spending the day on the water with him is truly a unique and rewarding educational experience. From december to may, you may catch a glimpse of a majestic kohola humpback whale off the island of hawaiis shorelines. Whale watching on the big island 2020 big island of hawaii. Proceedings of the 9th international symposium on hearing held in carcens, france, on 914 june 1991 advances in the biosciences. Adult male cuviers beaked whale off kona, december 2, 2008. Big island whale watching tour best whale watching tour. Since long before whale watching gained the enormous popularity it boasts today, captain dan mcsweeneys passion and caring for whales defined the character of his whale watching business. Choose from morning trips, cocktail cruises and afternoon sailing. Kailuakona, hawaii ap an annual humpback whale count in hawaii will take place despite the federal government shutdown. At this time however, like many of you, we are focusing on the health and safety of our community, visitor industry employees, health care professionals and our.
If you are seeking a laidback and luxurious whale watching experience, body glove cruises is the way to go. Although humpback whales can be seen from all of the hawaiian islands, the shallow auau channel between maui, molokai and lanai is one of the best whale watching destinations in the world. Click here to download a copy of the latest hmmc newsletter. Its whalewatching season in hawaii, and these creatures. The open ocean safari delivers opportunities to swim with dolphins kona also features whales, whale sharks, big pelagic fish, sharks, mantas, and more.
Widget, the world watcher 1x03 kona, the captive whale. Getting to see and hear the mama and her calf was just wonderful. After years working on the water, the founding research team noticed that whale shark sightings considered extremely rare may be occurring more often than previously thought. Come aboard the hang loose, a modern luxury catamaran, and enjoy a whale watch cruise along the big islands kona coast. Body glove afternoon kona whale watching tour from kona pier sail beautiful kona coast in search of humpback whales.
To start the conversation again, simply ask a new question. Keep your eyes peeled for humpback whales, pilot whales, and false killer whales, which all might make an appearance during your cruise. Where they call hawaii their winter home december to april of each year. Our tour offers you a rare opportunity to view, listen to and experience humpback whales. Book now and see these incredible creatures up close as they play, swim, and breach the waters off the coast of the big island a very exhilarating experience. In accordance with the state of hawaiis directive, hawaiis commercially permitted boat tours should now be in port for a health vacation focus on. Humpback whales make their annual journey to hawaii between the months of november and april whale season, and the big island is our favorite of the. The whaleplanner january a whale watching infographic. On occasion, we will have our first whale sighting as early as october or late september. As your skillful captain navigates the vessel to areas frequented by whales and spinner dolphins, your naturalist guide will teach you about their biology and migrating habits. You might also spot some of the other whale species that make their home in these waters yearround sperm whales, pilot whales, pygmy killer whales and rare beaked whales as well as dolphin pods and curious sea turtles. You may also spot kohola from the southern shores of oahu, especially at makapuu lighthouse and along the seaside overlooks near leahi diamond head.
Hawaii uncharted research collective whale shark initiative. The first ever longterm 1 week resighting of a killer whale from hawaiian. Hawaii uncharted research collective is a 501c3 nonprofit organization that began in kona in 2017. Whale watching on the big island offers more than just humpback sightings, too. Feb 21, 2016 humpback whales mother, baby, and escort seen on the captain zodiac whale watching tour march 2015. The whales are snowbirds of the ocean, spending their winters in hawaii mating, giving birth, and enjoying our calm warm water. The 24passenger luxury catamaran is designed for open ocean conditions that will allow all passengers to sit back, relax and enjoy the breathtaking views of the kona coast. Its also quite common to see hawaiian spinner dolphins in kona. Every year these gentle giants migrate to breed, give birth, and frolic in the crystal blue waters. If you are here in the winter, there are many whale watch cruises available during humpback season, offering a wide range of boats, activities, education and amenities. I have updated my iphone 7 plus to ios 11 and i noticed that when i pair my phone to my car via bluetooth the only thing that is showing in the phonebook is the numbers but not the names of my contacts thats saved on my phone. We are the original company to take people to meet and encounter the dolphins as their primary activity. Its also quite common to see hawaiian spinner dolphins in kona bay as well. Whale season decemberapril every december through april, thousands of humpback whales migrate to the warm waters of hawaii.
Download a one page information sheet on disentanglement response efforts. Sperm whales, which tend to lounge along the surface like giant logs, are sometimes in residence, as are beaked whales, pilot whales and the giant but harmless whale shark. See some of natures largest and most majestic creatures during a whale watching tour that whisks you off into the pristine waters off the kona coast. Captain dan mcsweeney, a whale researcher, and conservationist provides one of the. Luxury whale watching in kona hawaii alii ocean tours. December to april is an exciting time for the big island of hawaii because it marks whale watching season. In short, during false killer whale encounters both teams remained oneffort in. Hawaiian islands humpback whale get involved sanctuary. The species was then effectively lost to science until 1952. Excursions book online swim with dolphins, whale watching. Pygmy killer whales were first discovered based on two skulls, one described in 1827 and the other in 1874. The hawaiian islands large whale entanglement response network is a.
Hawaiian waters from 1994 through 2004 a copy can be downloaded here. Go here from your mobile device and click your account to create a user login. Contacts names not syncing to car bluetoo apple community. Wahine charters would like to invite you to come out with us and witness one of the largest animals on the planet on the best whale watching charter in hawaii. Humpback whales mother, baby, and escort seen on the captain zodiac whale watching tour march 2015. He personally conducts the only whale watching company on hawaiii island that actively supports and protects. This sanctuary supports management, research, education and longterm monitoring for the endangered humpback whale and its winter breeding grounds in the pacific. The big island is known for its geographic and ecologic diversity. Whale shark in hawaii gets up close and personal with. Hang loose boat tours whale watch this kona whale watching tour takes you as close to the whales as possible, so youll have plenty of great photo opportunities.
Enjoy kona whale watching on your next trip kona coast vacations. Spinners, bottlenose, and common dolphin are a regular offshore sight near. Glide along the stunning kona coast searching for the majestic humpback whales. Welcome to dan mcsweeneys whale watch learning adventures. Had a great time going out on the whale watching catamaran. Despite their enormous size humpback whales are surprisingly acrobatic. Put your whale watching experience in the hands of a researcher who has studied whales his whole life. From 2000 through 2012 weve encountered sperm whales on 32 occasions in hawaii, with sightings throughout the year with the exceptions of february, march, august and september. The western coast has several more good whale spotting locations including spencer beach park near kawaihae, makalawena beach north of kona, and even downtown kona itself during peak season. Join on an epic expedition in search of hawaiis biggest and best marine life. Here is a selection of big island whale watching tours or other cruises on which you are likely to see whales. Waikoloa whale watching 8am whale watch hawaii ocean sports offers wake up with the whales a 90 minute morning whale watch on a sailing catamaran, casting off from the shore of waikoloa. Chip is a highly skilled captain and his crew can handle anything on the open sea.
Well, look no further because adventure x boat tours specializes in giving guests safe, quality, and fun ocean adventures that are respectful and. And of course, feel free to share it with your friends who might be interested in seeing whales. The resulting scene can only be described as a flash mob as the tourists wave, flash shakas, and awkwardly maneuver around the whale sharks slowmoving path. Whalespirit sanctuary guest house, hawaiiisland of hawaii. But that doesnt mean, you cant spot a whale in the summer. Whale watching boat tours and diy guide big island. Body glove afternoon kona whale watching tour from kona pier. Body glove afternoon kona whale watching tour from kona. For the big island you will have best chance of seeing whales in the north kona, and north and south kohala districts.
Nov 17, 2016 whale watching is a great big island activity. In 1997 the hawaiian islands humpback whale national marine sanctuary was one of national marine sanctuaries created under the u. These gentle giants come to the warm hawaiian waters every year to breed and give birth to new calves. Seeing one of these 40ton, 40foot long giants breach the water is an unforgettable sight. Come aboard captain zodiacs raft for a fun cruise up the kona coast and watch humpback whales up close.
Whale watching on the big island of hawaii big island. During the winter months january mid april, kona is home to the humpback whales. Though the humpback whales play to crowds in the winter, theyre out of here come spring, hungry and ready to head back to their summer feeding grounds in alaska. There is an approximately 2 mile hike on unpaved dirt road to reach site. The hookipa hospitality and aloha spirit that people feel as they explore our islands has become stuff of legends. Near ko olina catamaran dolphin snorkel sailing, whale watch hawaii, scuba, marriott ko olina, four seasons oahu, aulani disney resort, waikiki and kona. Waikoloa whale watching 8am whale watch hawaii ocean sports offers wake up with the whales a 90 minute morning whale watch on a sailing catamaran, casting off. If you are very passionate about whale watching, but arent interested in a boat tour, you could consider spending the day in waipio valley, hiking to pololu valley, or having a sunset picnic in holoholokai beach park. Humpback whale watching december to april see humpback whales in hawaii. Aloha and thank you for visiting adventure x boat tours. Sperm whales, which tend to lounge along the surface like giant logs, are sometimes in residence, as are beaked whales, pilot whales and the giant but harmless whale.
Kona hawaii humpback whale sighting filmed with hawaii marlin fishing and daron castoro. Come along see catch these beautiful mammals at their best on our exciting ecofriendly whale watching excursions. Chip is a highly skilled captain and his crew can handle anything on the. The catamaran is also equipped with an underwater hydrophone, so you can listen to the incredible whale songs.
Hawaii has a long tradition of welcoming visitors from around the world. The best luxury whale watching experience in kailua kona. The best months to see whales is usually between midjanuary and march as this is considered peak whale watching season. Whale watching ecoadventures kona diving ecoadventures. Whale watching swim with dolphins kona hawaii kona.
A good example of that mix can be found in its resident whale population. These peaceful creatures are common to the area, and theres no better place to enjoy encounters with them. Enjoy kona whale watching on your next trip kona coast. The hilo side see far less boaters with only a few commercial operation so enjoy a one on one whale encounter without another boat in sight unlike the kona whale watching partys. See the whales in small groups aboard our uncrowded vessel, the hoku elima. To download the full whaleplanner as a graphic, please just click this link and save the graphic on the next page. The konakohala coast on the big island of hawaii is one of the humpback whales favorite spots. Look for giant humpbacks and playful dolphins on a guided tour from kailua kona. A journey to discover the humpback whales and dolphins along the kona coast. Robson said the inquisitive whale off maui was a yearling about 20 feet long. Are you looking for the adventure of a lifetime on the big island of hawaii. See and experience this phenomenon, a rare opportunity to listen to their songs and learn all about the annual hawaii whale season. Kona whale watching is great all year long because the water is usually calm, and the ocean gets very deep right offshore, so access to the whales may take only minutes. Whale watching doesnt require any skills or training just watch for the spouting and big splashes and youll see them.
Every year in the winter they travel from their summer feedings grounds off alaska to the warm hawaiian waters to mate and nurse their young. Whale watching ecoadventure witness the majestic humpback whales, as they become temporary kamaaina in the warm waters off the hawaiian islands. Whales love to play in the water by leaping into the air and slapping their tails in the water. We try to obtain photographs of the underside of the flukes for individual identification, and these are contributed to a photoidentification. Jan 18, 2017 kona hawaii humpback whale sighting filmed with hawaii marlin fishing and daron castoro. Big island whale watching tours my kona adventures. Explore more things to do in hawaii go to experiences page.
Although most hawaii guidebooks state that whale watching season runs from november to april, the peak time for whales in kona is from midjanuary through early march. Whale watching kona, big island hawaii the humpback whales come from alaska to hawaii during the winter months to calve and mate. Unruh added that when fully grown, humpbacks are 45 to 50 feet long, and weigh as much as 45 tons. Chris gabriele and others discuss the recent changes in humpback whale numbers. National geographic and discovery channel utilize capt.
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